
レシピ Recipes


[ 材料 ]

(2 人前)
参宮あわび脹煮の出汁 …… (袋の中すべて)
+水(参宮あわびの出汁と合わせて) …… 2カップ
お米 …… 2合
山椒 …… 少々(お好みで)

[ 手順 ]

1. お米を研ぎ、参宮あわび脹煮の出汁が入った水2 カップを入れて炊く。

2. お茶碗に盛り、お好みで少々の山椒をふる。


Clay pot rice with Sangu Awabi soup


(2 servings)
Sangu Awabi soup all of 1 packet
Water 400cc with above
Rice 360cc
Sansho (Japanese pepper)

How to cook

1 Rince rice with cold water.

2 Put rice and water with soup in a clay pot and cook.

3 Serve with Japanese pepper.

*You can also cook rice in a rice cooker. Cooking in a clay pot gives rice a good Flavor.
*You can serve hot and cold.