
レシピ Recipes


[ 材料 ]

(2 人前)
参宮あわび脹煮の出汁 …… (袋の中すべて)
+水(上記の出汁と合わせて) …… 150cc
水溶き片栗粉 …… 小さじ3杯
お好みの野菜やフルーツ …… 適量
ゆず胡椒 … 少々(小さじ1杯ほど)

[ 手順 ]

1. 水と合わせた参宮あわび脹煮の出汁を小さな鍋で火にかけ(弱火)水溶き片栗粉 小さじ3杯を少しずつ加えてゆき、とろとろになったら火から下ろす。お好みの量のゆず胡椒を加え、出来上がり!

2. さっと茹でたアスパラをざく切りにし、スライスした参宮あわび、パイナップル等と一緒に盛りつける。


Sauce with Sangu Awabi soup and Yuzu koshou


(2 servings)
1 packet of Sangu Awabi soup
150cc water with above
3tsp cornstarch with water broccoli
vegetables and fruits of your choice
1 tsp Yusukoshou (Japanese green chili paste with yuzu citrus peel)
* Pineapple and asparagus are used in this recipe.

How to cook

1 In a small sauce pan, simmer water with Sangu Awabi soup over low heat. Add water-cornstarch mixture to the soup little by little, until desirable consistency. Add Yuzukoshou if available.

2 Cut lightly boiled asparagus and pineapple in a bite size. Slice Sangu Awabi thinly. Pour sauce over them.

This flavorful sauce goes well with sweet pineapple. And Yukoshou gives a tangy twist.